The Summer Update
6 months ago
– Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 08:03:26 PM
Greetings from Philadelphia!
No, this isn't just a vacation: in April and May I got a series of curve balls: big day job budget cuts, big dental bills, and my Brooklyn landlords announcement that they were going to give the building desperately needed renovations—which meant I had to move by July 1. So after much apartment hunting in NY, NJ, and PA, a conversation with an attorney, and lots of soul searching, I followed some of my favorite game designers and moved to Philly. Sorry for the radio silence during that time.
The Deliverables!
Here's where everything stands:
Keeper Booklet: written, edited, laid out.
Player Booklet 1—Meddling Kids: Written and edited, currently in layout.
Player Booklet 2—Sidekicks: Written and edited, currently in layout.
Player Booklet 3—The Van (group resource sheet): Written and edited, currently in layout.
Intro Card (introduction and core info): Written and edited, currently in layout.
Nerds & Black Leather Scenario: Written, heading to editing.
The Pizza Parlor of Count Dracutron: Written, heading to editing.
BONUS! Cliff Cove Map & Locations: Written, heading to editing.
I'm going to let you in on a secret: While I scheduled everything, I was honestly hoping to get them all done by Gen Con, so while we're still ahead of schedule, I'm bummed I won't get to start distributing these while I'm there.
That said, we're in a good position to get everything done and out by November 2024.
Gen Con!?! (and Flame Con)
July 31 through August 4: I will be at Gen Con working with the Plus One EXP crew (including my friends Tony Vasinda and Mike Martens as well as the amazing Wes Franks who is sharing a ride up from Philadelphia to Indianapolis with me all day on Tuesday, so will be either a friend of a nemesis by the time the con starts.
Come find us with Jay Dragon and all our friends (also from Philadelphia) at Possum Creek at booth 2855 in the dealer's hall.
August 17: I will also be making a day trip back to NYC for Flame Con in Midtown Manhattan. I don't have a schedule or commitments, but look for me in a Moonlight on Roseville Beach tshirt.
GM & Player Zines Now in Layout!
8 months ago
– Mon, May 20, 2024 at 08:00:07 AM
Hey All!
The Player Mini-Zines (game intro, Meddling Kid playbook and action rules, and Sidekick playbook and action rules) and GM Zine are out of editing and into layout.
The Team
Editing. Long before I decided to take this project to Kickstarter, I knew I wanted to work with Sean Foer. Sean approached me about editing projects after Gen Con 2023, and we met up again to talk about the early stages of The Haunting of Cliff Cove again at Big Bad Con '23. Sean's an incredibly talented GM and TikTok commentator, but he's also an amazingly talented editor.
Visual Design. Ray Olsen has been a friend since we met in 2019. The creator of Dream World Mercenaries, Power Goons, and other games, Ray is an electrical engineer. Ray is also the visual designer behind the Kickstarter promo image (working with illustrations from Brooklyn-based cartoonist Bill Roundy). Ray i
What's Next
Zines. A Ray finishes layout, I'll be sharing the PDF and images with you before sending them all off to printing.
Adventures. I'm finishing up the two adventure pamphlets ("Nerds and Black Leather" and "The Parlor of Count Dracutron"). I'm going to send the carography and R-Maps to Ray as soon as they're done, and then send the full text to Sean.
Thanks to all of you for the the support!
Thank you & Next steps
10 months ago
– Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 08:11:35 AM
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for making this happen. We did no stretch goals and 0 advertising, and we still over 200% of the funding. The goal for the project was pretty small—since the art was already paid for, I just wanted funds for editing and layout, and I ended up with enough to recoup the art costs and expenses and a little extra.
My next steps include finalizing details with an editor (and announcing who our editor is), getting the project up on Backerkit, and then getting everything to layout.
Thank you for supporting this!
The Dreamation '24 Playtest
10 months ago
– Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 07:16:12 AM
Thanks to all of you for your support! It's meant a lot to get this project over and past the funding line. I won't be adding stretch goals to the project, but the support means getting some flexibility on hiring an editor (I have both a candidate and backup already in mind) and visual designer and even potentially funding some additional art.
I had the privilege of taking this game to Dreamation 2024 in Morristown, NJ, and wanted to share the prototype player materials I had there with all of you. They have not been edited yet, and I've not yet gotten them to Ray Olsen for layout, but you can grab the playtest versions directly from my Google Drive or pick them up for free on Itch.
The End of Zine Quest and Zine Month!
The Haunting of Cliff Cove is still going strong, and we're not the last of the Zine Quest or Zine Month projects still going. Among many others, check out What's My Motivation? (now in its final hours).
We Made It!
11 months ago
– Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 03:57:35 PM
Thanks to all 50 of you, The Haunting of Cliff Cove met its goal in the first 24 hours.
Since I decided to launch this campaign at the very last minute, I knew I was taking a big risk, but since the game already had text, art, and maps and Ray was on board to do graphic design, I thought I should try. I'm counting on this being a fairly slow and easy-going campaign: I did very little publicity and didn't make many announcements.
I started working on this game in 2022, and you all have made it possible for this to move forward. Thank you!